Peptide bioregulation

Peptide bioregulators are organic substances that can stimulate biological processes in the body and include mechanisms for independent recovery. Thanks to the discovery of the method of obtaining bioregulators, scientists were able to synthesize a new type of preparations. They can slow down the rate of ageing, prolong active longevity and reduce the risk of developmental disorders associated with age-related changes.


Thanks to their ability to influence stem cells, bioregulators can activate hidden reserves within your body and accelerate recovery even after deep disturbances.
Diagram of peptide regulation

The basis of any organism consists of proteins, which form the structure of cells responsible for the transfer of other substances and activation of biochemical reactions. The coordinated work of all organs and systems depends on the rate of protein synthesis, and the main regulators of protein molecules assembly are peptides. But as we grow older, the number of our own regulatory peptides decreases, which negatively affects the process of cell renewal. This is compounded by the fact that stressors deactivate some DNA sites and stop the process of reading the necessary information for protein production. This leads to deterioration of health, hormonal failure and other disorders.

You can replenish the regulatory peptide pool from the outside. Polypeptide complexes renew cells and restore the functions of the corresponding organs, which leads to the elimination of health problems, improving health and prolonging active longevity.

Molecular mechanism of action  

Peptide complex consists of many short peptides that enter the stomach and intestines, are not subject to the process of cleavage and are absorbed into the blood. From the blood, peptides get into the target organs and, penetrating through the cytoplasmic membrane of cells, get into the nucleus, where they bind with nucleosomes (the structural part of the chromosome, which contains the human genome) and regulate the process during which the information contained in the gene is converted into functionally active proteins that renew cells and restore the work of organs. This process is called gene expression.

The uniqueness of Havinson's short peptides lies in the ability to increase gene activity and activate "sleeping" stem cells, which strengthen the structure of tissues and organs. In natural conditions, this phenomenon is observed in a limited number of people who are considered to be long-lived.

Peptide bioregulation

Diagram of peptide regulation and vital body functions

Gene activity

Aetiotropic effect

Peptide intake rejuvenates organs at the cellular level, thus improving their functionality

Rapid wear and fretting of body systems occurs in case of aging of cells with simultaneous shortage of "building material" for the formation of new ones. This is when peptide bioregulators come to the aid. These peptides purposefully combine with their respective DNA sites, resume the production of necessary proteins and normalize the work of cells of organs and body.

Such changes improve the condition of internal organs, increase the immune response and life expectancy. Thanks to modern extraction technologies and special cleaning methods, physiologically active peptides are used in the production of complexes. They have an extremely low molecular weight, which helps them to penetrate the nucleus of the cell easily. In this form, no pathogens or potentially dangerous substances can join the peptides, making their use as safe as possible.


Every ingredient, formula and compostion of a complex is studied by a team of scientists.


What are peptides?

Peptides are a large class of amino acid compounds. They include proteins consisting of 50 or less components, protein enzymes, many hormones, antibodies and short Havinson peptides.

The difference between Havinson's peptides and other peptides

Havinson's peptides are obtained by months of extraction. It helps remove proteins, hormones and other compounds longer than 20 amino acids from the mixture. Therefore, they are safe, do not cause addictive, allergic reactions and have no contraindications. They can be used internally, intramuscularly, intravenously and externally. This development is approved for use around the world.

How Havinson's peptides work

The synthesis of proteins is guided by DNA molecules. But they can't start it themselves and are a reading matrix. Peptides join the right DNA fragment and activate the synthesis of the required proteins.

Why are peptides called bioregulators

Bioregulators are short peptides that consist of 2-4 amino acids. They signal a DNA molecule to start synthesizing certain proteins if they are missing from the organ.

Do short peptides cause addiction

Peptide bioregulators are not addictive. Unlike enzymes and hormones, which are supplied to the body in a ready-made form, the chemical formula of short peptides does not contain substances that can form a strong bond with cell receptors and will not allow the rest of the peptides to act.

Peptide treatment

Peptides are not able to treat like conventional drugs - they cannot destroy pathogens or modified cells. But using bioregulators stimulates the division of healthy cells, the synthesis of missing substances. That's why organs and tissues can regenerate quicker. This effect works better in the complex treatment of pathologies.

How do you make up for the peptide shortage

To make up for peptide deficiency, it is necessary to take complexes specially designed for individual organs or systems. Only in this way all structures exposed to pathological influences can be simultaneously affected.

Are there any contraindications or can you overdose

If there is an excess of bioregulators in the body, they do not find a DNA site to interact with and are excreted naturally. Peptides are incapable of causing an overdose.

Peptide complexes and pregnancy are quite compatible. But the use of drugs must be monitored and approved by the attending physician

Are short peptides hormones

Havinson's peptides are not hormones. They're natural amino acid combinations. Unlike hormones, they don't need receptors on the cell membrane to affect the production of certain substances. The peptides penetrate the cell nucleus and stimulate the DNA site that triggers the synthesis of the cell's own hormones.

Are peptides doping

No, short peptides are not doping and are not prohibited in sport. Synthetic hormones result in a temporary change in the hormonal background and increased corresponding functions. Bioregulators normalize their own metabolic processes in cells and the level of hormones, and the increase in sporting achievements occurs naturally.