"Polo 3 Plus" is recommended for men of any age to increase the production of their own testosterone, improve prostate function, increase resistance to stress, prolong active lifestyle and slow down the negative processes typical for men of both middle and older age.
Thanks to the correct correction of hormonal parameters increases potency and libido, improves erection quality and strengthens orgasm. It is possible to increase the average duration of sexual intercourse.
Each capsule is made up of:
2 capsules per day.
2 capsules per day.
Only effective bioregulators will help restore the balance of the endocrine system in the male body
Complex "Polo 3 Plus" is effective and safe:
The use of peptide bioregulators stimulates the production of male sex hormones, permanently improves male health, ejaculate quality and increases resistance to stress.
All products of the company "Vitual" are thoroughly analyzed and meet high quality standards.
The use of peptide bioregulators stimulates the production of male sex hormones, permanently improves male health, ejaculate quality and increases resistance to stress.
All products of the company "Vitual" are thoroughly analyzed and meet high quality standards.
Testicles (Leidig cells) are the main center of testosterone production, which is regulated by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in the brain. It produces the luteinizing (LH) and follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) needed to stimulate Leidig cells.
Testosterone synthesis is reduced by metabolic disorders, inflammation, stress, alcohol abuse and smoking. Decreased testosterone synthesis leads to a reduction in muscle mass and strength, causes sleepiness and an oppressed emotional state. Peptides of testes promote normal testosterone synthesis, which has a stimulating and protective effect on the prostate gland. It has an antioxidant effect on the cells of testicles and vascular endothelium.
The adrenal glands produce catecholamine hormones - the main participants in the reaction to stress. They cause vascular spasm in the whole body, increase blood pressure and activate all regulatory systems. Increased activity or deficiency of these hormones leads to violations of important functions in the male body and reduced testosterone synthesis. Adrenal peptides in the capsules help to maintain the activity of the glands, regulate the normal concentration of cortisol, which in excess causes negative changes, and with cortisol deficiency increases inflammation, increases the risk of pathological reactions.
The prostate gland produces about 30% of the seminal fluid composition, which is needed to neutralize the acidic environment in the urethra and genital tract of the woman. Metabolism disorder in the prostate tissue leads to disorders that occur in 40% of men over 50 years of age. Improvement in the synthesis of active substances with the help of prostate peptides allows you to stop negative changes, neutralize unwanted manifestations of disorders. The action of prostate peptides helps to normalize the synthesis of nitrogen oxide in the cells of blood vessels, which is necessary for normal erection and sexual intercourse.
Peptides of the testes contribute to the production of your own testosterone, support the maturation of complete sperm cells, stimulate the appearance of libido, erection and orgasm.
The body maintains the necessary balance of androgens, catecholamines and cortisol, which are involved in stress reactions and support metabolism. Adrenal gland peptides normalize the production of these hormones, increase stress resistance and overall male activity.
Prostate peptides support metabolism in the prostate gland. They improve antioxidant cell protection, help prevent pathological processes.
Peptides are a large class of amino acid compounds. They include proteins consisting of 50 or less components, protein enzymes, many hormones, antibodies and short Havinson peptides.
Havinson's peptides are obtained by months of extraction. It helps remove proteins, hormones and other compounds longer than 20 amino acids from the mixture. Therefore, they are safe, do not cause addictive, allergic reactions and have no contraindications. They can be used internally, intramuscularly, intravenously and externally. This development is approved for use around the world.
The synthesis of proteins is guided by DNA molecules. But they can't start it themselves and are a reading matrix. Peptides join the right DNA fragment and activate the synthesis of the required proteins.
Bioregulators are short peptides that consist of 2-4 amino acids. They signal a DNA molecule to start synthesizing certain proteins if they are missing from the organ.
Peptide bioregulators are not addictive. Unlike enzymes and hormones, which are supplied to the body in a ready-made form, the chemical formula of short peptides does not contain substances that can form a strong bond with cell receptors and will not allow the rest of the peptides to act.
To make up for peptide deficiency, it is necessary to take complexes specially designed for individual organs or systems. Only in this way all structures exposed to pathological influences can be simultaneously affected.
Peptides are not able to treat like conventional drugs - they cannot destroy pathogens or modified cells. But using bioregulators stimulates the division of healthy cells, the synthesis of missing substances. That's why organs and tissues can regenerate quicker. This effect works better in the complex treatment of pathologies.
If there is an excess of bioregulators in the body, they do not find a DNA site to interact with and are excreted naturally. Peptides are incapable of causing an overdose.
Peptide complexes and pregnancy are quite compatible. But the use of drugs must be monitored and approved by the attending physician
Havinson's peptides are not hormones. They're natural amino acid combinations. Unlike hormones, they don't need receptors on the cell membrane to affect the production of certain substances. The peptides penetrate the cell nucleus and stimulate the DNA site that triggers the synthesis of the cell's own hormones.
No, short peptides are not doping and are not prohibited in sport. Synthetic hormones result in a temporary change in the hormonal background and increased corresponding functions. Bioregulators normalize their own metabolic processes in cells and the level of hormones, and the increase in sporting achievements occurs naturally.
Купить качественные пептидные комплексы по специальной цене можно в интернет-магазине компании Витуаль, официального дилера бренда Khavinson Peprides. Действует доставка из Москвы по всей территории Российской Федерации.
Капсулы по 0,2 г. В одной упаковке 60 капсул.
10 мг - Пептидный комплекс А-13 (пептиды семенников);
10 мг - Пептидный комплекс А-16 (пептиды предстательной железы);
10 мг - Пептидный комплекс А-17 (пептиды надпочечников).
Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза (Е460, антислеживающий агент); желатин (средство для капсулирования); лактоза (наполнитель влагоудерживающий); кальция стеарат (Е470, эмульгатор).
2 капсулы содержат по 20 мг: пептидный комплекс А-13; пептидный комплекс А-16; пептидный комплекс А-17;
Средний курс приема препарата Polo 3 plus составляет 1-2 месяца.
Рекомендовано сделать перерыв 1-3 месяца и повторить курс.
Индивидуальная непереносимость дополнительных ингредиентов капсулы.
Перед применением рекомендуется проконсультироваться с врачом.
В сухом, защищенном от попадания прямых солнечных лучей, недоступном для детей месте при температуре от 0 до +25°С.