Reception of peptides improves the quality of life, prolongs active longevity and restores organs at the cellular level, improving their functionality.
"A human has about 22,500 genes that encode protein synthesis. But not all of them are active, which negatively affects the body. In each person it appears in its own way: in the form of hormonal failure, reduced immunity, high sensitivity to carcinogens and adverse environmental factors, fatigue or low performance.
Khavinson's short peptides consist of only a few amino acids and can regulate gene activity. Activation of genes starts synthesis of deficient protein in a cell, improves functions of organs, rejuvenates an organism and fills its needs that extremely positively affects health".
Heart and vascular problems are among the top three causes of death. Polypeptide complexes help maintain the health of heart and blood vessels, affecting the metabolism of lipids in the liver. Bioregulators normalize the ratio of different types of lipoproteins in the blood, help restore the synthesis of collagen in the endothelium of blood vessels and prevent congestion and improve myocardial cell metabolism.
The complexes contain polypeptides, which contribute to the correct functioning of the neuroendocrine system. The regulation of hormones and neurotransmitters allows improving metabolism in cells. They accumulate a sufficient amount of ATP molecules, the main energy storage substance. Workability is also improved by regulating circadian rhythms, improving hematopoietic system function and increasing hemoglobin levels.
The function of the male reproductive system depends on the concentration of testosterone in the blood. Peptides stimulate the production of their own hormone, help improve blood flow in the prostate gland, increase resistance to stress. Therefore, men's sexual desire is restored, the quality of ejaculate is improved, inflammatory processes in reproductive organs are suppressed and immunity is improved.
Peptide complexes stimulate the division of immune cell precursors in bone marrow and accelerate their final maturation in the thymus. Epiphysis peptides stimulate the synthesis of the hormone melatonin, which controls the body's defense reactions. Overall it allows to improve the recognition and capture of foreign microorganisms, which prevents the development of negative reactions and improves the immune response.
Peptide complexes affect the main metabolic regulators - hormones. They fill the deficiency by synthesizing endogenous biologically active substances that participate in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Noticeable changes can be observed in the biochemical blood tests, and clinically it is manifested in the normalization of digestion and body weight, improvement of skin condition. After a course of bioregulators, the work of the reproductive system in women and men and the work of endocrine organs is normalized.
Increased loads on the visual organ lead to a rapid decrease in its function at a young age. Polypeptides act in a complex way, they affect the metabolic processes in the eye tissue, the state of the feeding vessels and the final analyser in the cortex. Improvements are observed in changes in retinal vessels, in the malfunction of the visual muscles. Bioregulators affect the production of neurotransmitters and the necessary proteins in the brain, which allows better processing of signals received from the eyes.
Polypeptides regulate the functions of the neuroendocrine and cardiovascular systems, the ratio of inhibitory and stimulating neurotransmitters in the brain, enhance its nutrition and protect against oxygen deprivation. Therefore, cognitive functions (memory, thinking, attention) are improved, degenerative processes are inhibited and age-related changes in the brain are eliminated.
Ovaries, via estrogens, affect the rest of the reproductive organs, skin and hair, urinary system, brain and bone tissue. If the hormonal background changes, the whole body suffers. Polypeptide complexes help improve the functioning of the female genital system by maintaining the physiological concentration of estrogen. This manifests itself in the normalization of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in negative symptoms of age-related changes in the ovaries.
The reaction to stress is regulated through exposure to the release of brain hormones. Thanks to bioregulators, the general condition is normalized. A healthy body maintains normal synthesis of endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, which support positive emotions and reduce the risk of developing negative states. By reducing the sensitivity of blood vessels to the release of stress hormones (adrenaline, noradrenaline), its negative effects on the heart and brain are prevented.
Peptides are a large class of amino acid compounds. They include proteins consisting of 50 or less components, protein enzymes, many hormones, antibodies and short Havinson peptides.
Havinson's peptides are obtained by months of extraction. It helps remove proteins, hormones and other compounds longer than 20 amino acids from the mixture. Therefore, they are safe, do not cause addictive, allergic reactions and have no contraindications. They can be used internally, intramuscularly, intravenously and externally. This development is approved for use around the world.
The synthesis of proteins is guided by DNA molecules. But they can't start it themselves and are a reading matrix. Peptides join the right DNA fragment and activate the synthesis of the required proteins.
Bioregulators are short peptides that consist of 2-4 amino acids. They signal a DNA molecule to start synthesizing certain proteins if they are missing from the organ.
Peptide bioregulators are not addictive. Unlike enzymes and hormones, which are supplied to the body in a ready-made form, the chemical formula of short peptides does not contain substances that can form a strong bond with cell receptors and will not allow the rest of the peptides to act.
To make up for peptide deficiency, it is necessary to take complexes specially designed for individual organs or systems. Only in this way all structures exposed to pathological influences can be simultaneously affected.
Peptides are not able to treat like conventional drugs - they cannot destroy pathogens or modified cells. But using bioregulators stimulates the division of healthy cells, the synthesis of missing substances. That's why organs and tissues can regenerate quicker. This effect works better in the complex treatment of pathologies.
If there is an excess of bioregulators in the body, they do not find a DNA site to interact with and are excreted naturally. Peptides are incapable of causing an overdose.
Peptide complexes and pregnancy are quite compatible. But the use of drugs must be monitored and approved by the attending physician
Havinson's peptides are not hormones. They're natural amino acid combinations. Unlike hormones, they don't need receptors on the cell membrane to affect the production of certain substances. The peptides penetrate the cell nucleus and stimulate the DNA site that triggers the synthesis of the cell's own hormones.
No, short peptides are not doping and are not prohibited in sport. Synthetic hormones result in a temporary change in the hormonal background and increased corresponding functions. Bioregulators normalize their own metabolic processes in cells and the level of hormones, and the increase in sporting achievements occurs naturally.